‘The media normalises war-mongering’: how Chinese Australians respond to talk of war in mainstream media

Early this month, the Daily Mail published a story online implying three Chinese men taking photos at the Avalon Airshow in Melbourne were spies. After complaints and an open letter condemning the paper for racially profiling the Chinese communities and throwing around baseless accusations, the story disappeared from the Mail’s site… Continue reading

“在澳华人数字媒体阅读调查”开始!Second Survey on Chinese-language digital and social media in Australia Starts!

朋友们,我们的第二次在澳华人数字媒体阅读调查开始啦!欢迎16岁以上在澳洲居住超过6个月以上的华语人士参加。点击此处或以下图片、扫描二维码或复制链接即可参与,填写调查最后一道题时别忘了填写您的联系方式,我们会赠送您10刀电子礼品券聊表谢意!(礼品总数为1000份,额满为止!) Our second survey on Chinese-language digital and social media use in Australia has begun! Any Chinese-speaking person 16 years or older who has been in Australia for more than six months can participate. Click here or on the picture below, scan the QR code or copy the link to… Continue reading

WeChat, the Federal Election, and the Danger of Insinuative Journalism

A story appeared recently in The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) with an eye-catching title: ‘Warning WeChat could spread Chinese propaganda during federal election’. By linking Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda with a forthcoming Australian election, the story draws heavily on views from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, and represents a… Continue reading


亲爱的朋友们,感谢大家帮助我们推广“中文数字和社交媒体在澳洲的使用情况调查”!现在,该调查的一些统计结果已发表在“对话”(英文版)和“今日悉尼”(中文版)上。我们希望您会感兴趣了解我们的发现,并期待您对我们下一个调查的继续支持! 点击这里阅读中文报告 点击这里阅读英文报告 Continue reading